Saturday, December 5, 2009

Great comebacks?

I went to see the Rocky Horror Show yesterday with the fantastic Steve Pemberton as the narrator.

During his narration he performed some great comebacks.

He was reading 'the clouds hung black and pendulous like.....'

Someone in the audience shouted 'Like your b@lls!'

He replied 'No madam, like your breasts!'

Another was by the guy playing Frank N Furter

Someone in the audience was heckling so he came back with

'This isnt the film dear, I can hear you being a tw@t!'

Whats the best comeback you have heard in a live show?

Great comebacks?secure browser

JANET: But where will you go?

MAN IN FRONT ROW: Didn't you pass a castle a few miles back up the road?

(long silence while Brad gurns to keep his face straight, and the AUDIENCE giggle uncontrollably)

BRAD(eventually): Din't we pass a castle a few miles back up the road?

Great comebacks?home theater opera theater

very good,went to a panto mine last Christmas and when the dame was looking in the mirror asking who is the fairest in the land , someone shouted not you you ugly git ,everyone laughed ,he shouted out" look who's talking ,the state of you where you get your clothes oxfam "then he jumped into the audience and made her stand up ,she had on a stripey brown and yellow jumper then he said "why don't you buzz off" nearly wet myself laughing as the girl nearly died of embarrassment ,

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