watch this!
you wont believe your eyes!
it cant be actors....cuz he is doing it in streets, open public! i hear a lot of people went to his shows
it cant be camera because then anybody could do it!
How does Criss Angel performs his tricks!?musicals
I hope you get some good answers for this question, I have to know to.
How does Criss Angel performs his tricks!?opera songs opera theaterCriss Angel is a career magician - a professional magician. His job is to search for ways to trick people such that the trick is almost unrecognizable. Report It
If all the tricks that these magicians (including Criss Angel, David Blaine %26amp; David Copperfield) are supposedly NOT tricks at all - meaning REAL - then they aren't called MAGIC anymore. Quote from Criss Angel himself "if it's real - it ain't magic". Report It
Think about this - if directors and movie producers can cast 100,000 people in their movies - why can't Criss Angel cast 20 or 50 people to participate (as cohorts) in his supposed magic videos? Report It
could it be MAGIC?????
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